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Bible Baptist Church

A Christ-Centered,

Bible-Believing Church


Schedule of Services

Sunday Morning - 10 am


Join us for an hour of Christ-honoring music and a Christ-centered message from God's Word.

Sunday Evening - 6 pm


Get ready for the work week with an hour of hymns, praises, and preaching from God's Word.

Wednesday Bible School - 7 pm


Our midweek service is for everyone including graded classes for preschool through teens, adult Bible studies, and a special class designed for ladies. 


What We Believe

We are an Independent Baptist church centered upon the preaching and teaching of God's Word.  The following is a brief description of our doctrinal statement:


Salvation by grace through faith

Baptism by immersion

The Triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

The total depravity of mankind

The deity and virgin birth of Jesus Christ

Pre-Millennial return of Jesus Christ

Verbal, plenary inspiration of God's Word

Separation of believers from a worldly lifestyle


We preach and teach out of the King James Version of the Bible.  We center our services around the teaching of God's Word.  We have a traditional service with hymns and seek to have music that is Christ-honoring. 


This is only a brief doctrinal statement.  If you have further questions or desire to know more about Christ, please contact us.




OUR Pastoral Staff

Jeremy Coombes

Tel: 765-832-6403

Scott Coombes
Pastor Emeritus

Tel: 765-832-6403


Contact Us:


8121 S. Larkins St., Rosedale, IN 47874​

Tel:  765-832-6403


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